Pet Shop Boys release their brand new studio album "Nonetheless" on Parlophone Records on April 26.
"Loneliness" the first single from PSB's new album was released on February 16th.
Pet Shop Boys’ once-a-year publication Annually will be published on May 10th 2024.
SMASH – the complete collection of their singles in chronological order was released on June 16th, 2023.
Composer Sven Helbig together with the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, brought his ›Schöne Töne‹ live to the stage at the Haus des Rundfunks on November 10th, 2023. Helbig welcomed Pet Shop Boys vocalist Neil Tennant for two live premieres ›Cricket Wife‹ and ›Legacy‹.
UK and European Dreamworld tour dates were announced.
recent releases
April 14th, 2023
Lost - EP

June 16th, 2023
SMASH - singles collection
CD, BluRay, DL, 12'', CSS

October 20th, 2023
RELENTLESS - 30th anniversary reissue
CD, DL, 12''

December 15th, 2023
Sleaford Mods - West End Girls (incl. PSB remix)
DL, 12''

February 16th, 2024
Loneliness - single

April 26th, 2024
Nonetheless - new album
CD, CSS, black/white/grey/clear LP, DL

Pet Shop Boys (Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe)
recent performances
Dreamworld: The Greatest Hits Live - European leg

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informations taken from various sources:w/thnx
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